It has become apparent to me that Voice2Page affiliates may not be receiving the refunds that Larry Host has claimed that is was going to have issued to them. While I was refunded by NetAudioAds and Voice2Page many others have not.
If you are an old affiliate of voice2page you need to send an email to lhost-at-voice2pagedotcom (replace -a- with @). Even being refunded by them still does not excuse Pay Per Play for making false claims in their affiliate sales page.
You really need to do some due diligence on the whole thing. Voice2Page has shown a propensity of not being honest with anyone since the company was taken over by Larry Host and Sam Deeb.
The whole Idea of Pay Per Play audio advertising will ruin any evergreen content site and has little value to advertisers.
Generate traffic for x sell results for XX. That is what makes money. Ill share what I am doing here.
Friday, December 14, 2007
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Due Diligence in Affiliate Marketing - Pay Per Play - Voice2Page
With all of the hoopla going on around Pay Per Play and the mass number of email I have received on the new product it has become completely apparent to me that Internet Marketers are not doing Due Diligence.
The Pay Per Play program is an extension of Voice2Page. Voice2Page has a dubious past of not taking care of it's affiliates and see no reason why they should start now. I personally have been threatened by by Larry Host from Voice2Page for doing due diligence.
While it is doubtful that NetAudioAds is a viable platform for advertisers and with the way Voice2Page has treated prior affiliates it makes PayPerPlay a pass in my book.
But to help affiliate marketers in their Due Diligence I have started a news site that will start featuring all new IM Products as they hit the market. You can visit it at Internet Marketing Scam Alert. While it will be impossible for me to cover ever new affiliate product on my own if you would like to assist just contact me from
The Pay Per Play program is an extension of Voice2Page. Voice2Page has a dubious past of not taking care of it's affiliates and see no reason why they should start now. I personally have been threatened by by Larry Host from Voice2Page for doing due diligence.
While it is doubtful that NetAudioAds is a viable platform for advertisers and with the way Voice2Page has treated prior affiliates it makes PayPerPlay a pass in my book.
But to help affiliate marketers in their Due Diligence I have started a news site that will start featuring all new IM Products as they hit the market. You can visit it at Internet Marketing Scam Alert. While it will be impossible for me to cover ever new affiliate product on my own if you would like to assist just contact me from
due diligence,
pay per play,
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Getting the Kids a Nintendo Wii For Christmas
The kids have been bugging me for a Nintendo Wii for Christmas so the will get one. One of the coolest things is that it is being bought with money made exclusively from traffic arbitrage.
I mad my Nintendo Wii Console purchase from Ebay and have bought the games for the Nintendo Wii from Amazon. It took me all of 10 minutes!!
I love making money on the Internet and now it is time to revive this blog. I work exclusively online now and think it is the best thing since sliced bread. Selling affiliate products and doing traffic arbitrage. I do not participate in get rich schemes or MLM it is all from my own efforts.
I use blogging to sell affiliate products and have only been dabbling in traffic arbitrage now it is time to kick both into High Gear. Please keep checking back and I will be giving more tips on traffic arbitrage soon
I mad my Nintendo Wii Console purchase from Ebay and have bought the games for the Nintendo Wii from Amazon. It took me all of 10 minutes!!
I love making money on the Internet and now it is time to revive this blog. I work exclusively online now and think it is the best thing since sliced bread. Selling affiliate products and doing traffic arbitrage. I do not participate in get rich schemes or MLM it is all from my own efforts.
I use blogging to sell affiliate products and have only been dabbling in traffic arbitrage now it is time to kick both into High Gear. Please keep checking back and I will be giving more tips on traffic arbitrage soon
nintendo wii,
traffic arbitrage,
web traffic
Sunday, July 29, 2007
What a Month
Sorry that I have not updated in quite some time, it has been over a month!! Arg!! I did not forget about my readers I just have a lot going on. Just to give a basic breakdown on how traffic arbitrage has performed for me the last 30 days.
I am advertising certain affiliate offers with YPN and Adwords. Some of the offers are simple zip submits with low payouts. The convert like crazy though around 80 %. This offers have netted a little over $1000.00 for July. Some of the higher paying offers that I am using with higher payouts have netted about the same amount of money a little over $1200.00.
However there are some additional benefits to the higher paying offers. ADSENSE revenue!!
With the short submits (zip submits) I send the clickers straight to the merchants landing page. With the higher paying affiliate offers I am sending them to a custom landing page with adsense on them. The clicks on adsense have paid all of the PPC cost. So my net is actually a lot higher on the custom landing pages. The numbers above are the net figures not including adsense income.
The adsense income for the custom landing pages is well over $3300.00. So my real net in PPC arbitrage for the month of July is almost $6000.00
Ill take it!!
The reason my numbers have gone down from previous experiments is a lack of concentration on traffic arbitrage and on building sites designed around affiliate offers using SEO. Plus I am also teaching my bride on how to be an affiliate marketer. She is now a full time stay at home mom again. (another story another blog) So my work ethic has been slack as of late.
I do believe with her help we can turn our online real estate into a $250,000 a year enterprise. We are pacing $110,000 for 2007. I really don't like talking about these numbers however I feel it is beneficial to some up and coming readers there is hope. you just need to pick your niches and learn to make the most of them.
I am advertising certain affiliate offers with YPN and Adwords. Some of the offers are simple zip submits with low payouts. The convert like crazy though around 80 %. This offers have netted a little over $1000.00 for July. Some of the higher paying offers that I am using with higher payouts have netted about the same amount of money a little over $1200.00.
However there are some additional benefits to the higher paying offers. ADSENSE revenue!!
With the short submits (zip submits) I send the clickers straight to the merchants landing page. With the higher paying affiliate offers I am sending them to a custom landing page with adsense on them. The clicks on adsense have paid all of the PPC cost. So my net is actually a lot higher on the custom landing pages. The numbers above are the net figures not including adsense income.
The adsense income for the custom landing pages is well over $3300.00. So my real net in PPC arbitrage for the month of July is almost $6000.00
Ill take it!!
The reason my numbers have gone down from previous experiments is a lack of concentration on traffic arbitrage and on building sites designed around affiliate offers using SEO. Plus I am also teaching my bride on how to be an affiliate marketer. She is now a full time stay at home mom again. (another story another blog) So my work ethic has been slack as of late.
I do believe with her help we can turn our online real estate into a $250,000 a year enterprise. We are pacing $110,000 for 2007. I really don't like talking about these numbers however I feel it is beneficial to some up and coming readers there is hope. you just need to pick your niches and learn to make the most of them.
Friday, June 29, 2007
Affiliate Marketing -vs- Adsense
Sorry to have been ignoring this blog for the last couple of weeks, but things have been real hectic in my life. That is not a bad thing it just helps to evaluate activities and make changes as needed.
One of the most overrated income generators online is adsense. That does not mean that adsense is a bad venue to use to generate online income, it just is not the end all be all. Which brings me to affiliate marketing.
Affiliate marketing in the traditional sense is a better way to generate revenue with websites. It puts you in complete control of your destiny. Affiliate marketing is a people business. You can actually get on the phone with affiliate managers and discuss campaigns and strategies. The thing with affiliate offers is that it requires the clicker to usually perform another action. (ie buy something, fill in a form) Granted it requires more from your visitors than just clicking an ad. Guess what happens when people click ads usually? They are taken to an affiliate offer or a site that has their own product.
The rewards for a properly positioned affiliate offer are incremently larger that adsense clicks. You receive more money for completed affiliate offers versus ad clicks, unless you are abusing the adsense system.
Currently all of my PPC arbitrage is to affiliate offers. It provides better ROI for my advertising money and allows me to be in control of how I get paid. Adsense is a viable arbitrage medium but requires alot more work and research. Plus I like my adsense income and do not wish to jeopardize that from invalid clicks. I only use adsense for organic traffic websites.
I am now gonna plug an affiliate network that is producing good income for me. Currently around a $100 a day net profit using PPC arbitrage. It could be a lot more but I need to set up more campaigns and stop doing this non income producing activity of telling everybody what I am doing. Make sure you set up an account with NeverBlueAds if you have not already their campaigns convert nicely.
One of the most overrated income generators online is adsense. That does not mean that adsense is a bad venue to use to generate online income, it just is not the end all be all. Which brings me to affiliate marketing.
Affiliate marketing in the traditional sense is a better way to generate revenue with websites. It puts you in complete control of your destiny. Affiliate marketing is a people business. You can actually get on the phone with affiliate managers and discuss campaigns and strategies. The thing with affiliate offers is that it requires the clicker to usually perform another action. (ie buy something, fill in a form) Granted it requires more from your visitors than just clicking an ad. Guess what happens when people click ads usually? They are taken to an affiliate offer or a site that has their own product.
The rewards for a properly positioned affiliate offer are incremently larger that adsense clicks. You receive more money for completed affiliate offers versus ad clicks, unless you are abusing the adsense system.
Currently all of my PPC arbitrage is to affiliate offers. It provides better ROI for my advertising money and allows me to be in control of how I get paid. Adsense is a viable arbitrage medium but requires alot more work and research. Plus I like my adsense income and do not wish to jeopardize that from invalid clicks. I only use adsense for organic traffic websites.
I am now gonna plug an affiliate network that is producing good income for me. Currently around a $100 a day net profit using PPC arbitrage. It could be a lot more but I need to set up more campaigns and stop doing this non income producing activity of telling everybody what I am doing. Make sure you set up an account with NeverBlueAds if you have not already their campaigns convert nicely.
Monday, June 18, 2007
My Newest Site
This is not an arbitrage site but it has been taking alot of time working on it and I have not really participated much in my traffic arbitrage that is already running. I have been fortunate to get this site indexed in google in less than 3 days. (can you say WTF).
You can take a look at it here. It is nothing spectacular and really is my first site that is dedicated to a specific niche. I have tons of ideas to spawn off of this however it all takes time. Remember the "Tortuous and the Hare"?
My best advice to readers just do something and do it fast. Currently this new site is generating about $5 a day. I dont think I can get rich off of that, however I now have several different sites making money and it totals to around $80 a day and that is without buying traffic!! That coupled with some of the arbitrage stuff I have going it is a nice income from hacking away on this keyboard.
You can take a look at it here. It is nothing spectacular and really is my first site that is dedicated to a specific niche. I have tons of ideas to spawn off of this however it all takes time. Remember the "Tortuous and the Hare"?
My best advice to readers just do something and do it fast. Currently this new site is generating about $5 a day. I dont think I can get rich off of that, however I now have several different sites making money and it totals to around $80 a day and that is without buying traffic!! That coupled with some of the arbitrage stuff I have going it is a nice income from hacking away on this keyboard.
Thursday, June 14, 2007
10 Easy Steps tp Get Started with Arbitrage
This list was taken from my new favorite forum
1- Create a site. If you don’t know how to, well, get someone to do it for you. It’s not that hard, hell, even I can do it and I am a retard when it comes to tech/design stuff. So buy a domain, get a cheap hosting account for it, toss up a WordPress blog and theme (takes the hassle out of creating a site), and you’re in business.
2- Depending on what your domain theme is, if it has one, make the site around an affiliate marketing offer. It can be a product, a service, doesn’t really matter which. Just pick something! There are no bad ideas or good ideas, everything can work in it’s own right if done correctly. If you are being a lazy bastard and need me to pick one for you, then choose a product that is cheap for the end user and serves some type of beneficial purpose. Ad networks have a billion offers, I’m sure you can find one. But try and keep out of finance/mortgage and ringtones for now, because those take lots of research, time and cash.
3- Great, you have your product picked out, now make a blog post about it. If you don’t know all that much about it, do some quick research on Wikipedia or Google. It’s also a good idea to put a banner up or a full page ad for it if you aren’t going to write a blog post about it. Either way, make sure the theme of the blog is about the product you are promoting. Maybe make the color scheme the same as the page where the user will buy something or fill out the lead.
4- So let’s assume you have your domain, host, blog with the offer all setup. Alright, so now comes traffic, the fun part! Let’s use Google Adwords and MSN AdCenter for it. Take $100 and deposit it into each of the accounts. You probably won’t use all of it, but it’s good to have it in there. With Adsense we can begin right away, but with MSN you may have to wait 24 hours or so until their slow asses get to approving the account. With both though, there are tons of free cash coupons and promo codes out there, and some on that you can use and get some free cash to use.
5- Time for some keyword research. Before you start to use every keyword tool under the sun, let’s do a bit of manual work. First go and look at the advertiser’s page and pull keywords off there by hand. We want to focus on something called LONG TAIL KEYWORDS. We don’t want the one or two word keywords because they are very general, expensive, and usually being looked at for research purposes and don’t have many “buy now” people using them. A long tail keyword are those 3, 4, 5+ word keywords that really target a product. So for example, a good longtail mortgage refinance keyword I would use is “refinance los angeles california” or “bad credit refinance new york” INSTEAD of “refinance new york” or “refinance la”. You can even compare the prices, and you’ll see the longer ones may not get much traffic on it, but they are so cheap compared to the other more general ones.
6- So you have some general and longtail keywords. Fantastic. Now some people use misspelling tools and whatnot, which is a good idea, so go over to into the tools section and use Aaron Wall’s misspelling tool. But don’t do that just yet, because that’s the last step. What you should do first is get a nice long list of longtail keywords of what you think people are using when they are in “buying mode” when searching on the engines for your product. So if the product is some kind of insole for a shoe, your keywords would be: buy shoe insole, cheap insole for shoes, doctor recommended shoe insole. Those are pretty good, and sure, they are nowhere near as robust as something like “shoe insole” or “shoe pad” but they are more likely to be in buying mode than researching mode. So your job, for the next 1-3 hours is to gather up as many of these keywords as possible. If you want to use keyword tools to do it for you, by all means, knock yourself out, but if this is your first time doing something like this, and you want to learn how to do it right, do it by hand, the old fashioned way, just until you get the swing of things. When you’re done collecting the keywords, run it through the misspelling tool, and save the end result. Make sure to also group the keywords into 5-15 keywords per group for Adwords and AdCenter. You’ll thank me later.
7- We have our keywords, the site, the domain, the product. Wonderful, now on to getting some traffic finally! Take those groups of keywords and make one primary campaign for them in AdWords and the sub-campaigns for them based on which keyword theme they are. You don’t want to put too many keywords into one group because you want to keep your ads as relevant as possible for that group of keywords that it represents. So go ahead and make your ads. I typically write out 3-4 ads in the beggining, but sometimes as little as 2. It really depends on how confident you are of the keywords. Make sure to include the keyword, or the main idea of the base keywords (meaning, if the keywords all revolve around “back pain” make sure “back pain” is in the ads). Don’t be boring with the ad copy either, try and liven it up to get the attention of the searcher that will make them want to not only click on your ad, but also buy or fill out a lead for your product. Use your domain and page/site for this. Make sure all the traffic goes to your killler blog page.
8- Once you’re done with all of the above do something very important now.. Change the keywords so they are all EXACT and PHRASE matches. You can even go as far as to create seperate ad groups if you really want to, but sometimes that’s just overkill and may also screw up your other campaigns for good keywords. The reason you don’t want to go with broad in the beginning is because you’re on a mission now. That mission is not to make money, but to get your CTR up to a nice level. You’re going to want to be doing this for a good day or so. Don’t worry, you won’t lose much money, and afterall, a lot of those clicks aren’t just going to go nowhere, they’ll be going to your blog/promo page. You still have a great chance that they will also result in a sale/lead. So no need to fret about it.
9- Wow step 9 already, look how quickly we flew through this tutorial. Granted there are a lot of details being left out, but you will learn them on your own and pick them up pretty quickly too. You have to admit, this is a hell of a lot easier than you thought it would be right? So the reason I want you to use a blog or something with content on it and not just a redirect or linking directly to the affiliate code is because Google and MSN have this algorithm called QS aka Quality Score. They say, that if a site looks like it’s not selling something exclusively, meaning, that the site’s sole purpose is to spread information rather than sales then it should not be paying as much as a commercial site that has a huge budget. Also these types of results (your site) are relevant for users and give them what they are looking for, instead of a sales page and a “buy this thing now or you will die!” approach. We want the users to buy or fill out leads, but we don’t want to give them the impression that it’s ALL we want, so maybe tack on a newsletter signup link. You can use Aweber, they are cheap and good. Also tack on a few information links on the blogroll or in the posts. To really beef up your QS, send some inbound links from other blogs, directories, sites, forums, wherever really. Just pretend you are SEO’ing it as well as using it for a PPC campaign. Within 2 weeks or less your QS should jump, your CTR should jump, and best of all, your PPC bid price will drop! In the wise words of Borat.. Wowaweewa!
10- This is not over. Just because your ROI is 2:1-3:1 or better doesn’t mean you are leaving this alone and moving onto the next thing. Your ass needs to go over everything, step by step. Keep a list. What went wrong and why? What changes did you make to it, and what type of effect did it have on the sale/lead/traffic? Ask yourselves as many questions as possible. If you can’t answer it yourself, go to the forums and ask someone there. There is an answers to almost any PPC and affiliate marketing related question on somewhere, and if we don’t have it, another forum will, or ASK about it, because as great as we may seem to think we are, we can’t read your mind and see what’s going wrong. Be as detailed as possible too!
So there you have it. A blog post of value, quality and meaning. Will it make you millions? I doubt it. But be realistic, you need to try things out and learn them for yourself before you can pass judgement on it or decide it’s “too hard”, because this is not hard at all. This is easy shit compared to any job offline that you may have had to do for a paycheck. So quit sitting on your ass and reading this, and go out and do something about it! The rest is up to you boys and girls, so go make me proud and try it!
1- Create a site. If you don’t know how to, well, get someone to do it for you. It’s not that hard, hell, even I can do it and I am a retard when it comes to tech/design stuff. So buy a domain, get a cheap hosting account for it, toss up a WordPress blog and theme (takes the hassle out of creating a site), and you’re in business.
2- Depending on what your domain theme is, if it has one, make the site around an affiliate marketing offer. It can be a product, a service, doesn’t really matter which. Just pick something! There are no bad ideas or good ideas, everything can work in it’s own right if done correctly. If you are being a lazy bastard and need me to pick one for you, then choose a product that is cheap for the end user and serves some type of beneficial purpose. Ad networks have a billion offers, I’m sure you can find one. But try and keep out of finance/mortgage and ringtones for now, because those take lots of research, time and cash.
3- Great, you have your product picked out, now make a blog post about it. If you don’t know all that much about it, do some quick research on Wikipedia or Google. It’s also a good idea to put a banner up or a full page ad for it if you aren’t going to write a blog post about it. Either way, make sure the theme of the blog is about the product you are promoting. Maybe make the color scheme the same as the page where the user will buy something or fill out the lead.
4- So let’s assume you have your domain, host, blog with the offer all setup. Alright, so now comes traffic, the fun part! Let’s use Google Adwords and MSN AdCenter for it. Take $100 and deposit it into each of the accounts. You probably won’t use all of it, but it’s good to have it in there. With Adsense we can begin right away, but with MSN you may have to wait 24 hours or so until their slow asses get to approving the account. With both though, there are tons of free cash coupons and promo codes out there, and some on that you can use and get some free cash to use.
5- Time for some keyword research. Before you start to use every keyword tool under the sun, let’s do a bit of manual work. First go and look at the advertiser’s page and pull keywords off there by hand. We want to focus on something called LONG TAIL KEYWORDS. We don’t want the one or two word keywords because they are very general, expensive, and usually being looked at for research purposes and don’t have many “buy now” people using them. A long tail keyword are those 3, 4, 5+ word keywords that really target a product. So for example, a good longtail mortgage refinance keyword I would use is “refinance los angeles california” or “bad credit refinance new york” INSTEAD of “refinance new york” or “refinance la”. You can even compare the prices, and you’ll see the longer ones may not get much traffic on it, but they are so cheap compared to the other more general ones.
6- So you have some general and longtail keywords. Fantastic. Now some people use misspelling tools and whatnot, which is a good idea, so go over to into the tools section and use Aaron Wall’s misspelling tool. But don’t do that just yet, because that’s the last step. What you should do first is get a nice long list of longtail keywords of what you think people are using when they are in “buying mode” when searching on the engines for your product. So if the product is some kind of insole for a shoe, your keywords would be: buy shoe insole, cheap insole for shoes, doctor recommended shoe insole. Those are pretty good, and sure, they are nowhere near as robust as something like “shoe insole” or “shoe pad” but they are more likely to be in buying mode than researching mode. So your job, for the next 1-3 hours is to gather up as many of these keywords as possible. If you want to use keyword tools to do it for you, by all means, knock yourself out, but if this is your first time doing something like this, and you want to learn how to do it right, do it by hand, the old fashioned way, just until you get the swing of things. When you’re done collecting the keywords, run it through the misspelling tool, and save the end result. Make sure to also group the keywords into 5-15 keywords per group for Adwords and AdCenter. You’ll thank me later.
7- We have our keywords, the site, the domain, the product. Wonderful, now on to getting some traffic finally! Take those groups of keywords and make one primary campaign for them in AdWords and the sub-campaigns for them based on which keyword theme they are. You don’t want to put too many keywords into one group because you want to keep your ads as relevant as possible for that group of keywords that it represents. So go ahead and make your ads. I typically write out 3-4 ads in the beggining, but sometimes as little as 2. It really depends on how confident you are of the keywords. Make sure to include the keyword, or the main idea of the base keywords (meaning, if the keywords all revolve around “back pain” make sure “back pain” is in the ads). Don’t be boring with the ad copy either, try and liven it up to get the attention of the searcher that will make them want to not only click on your ad, but also buy or fill out a lead for your product. Use your domain and page/site for this. Make sure all the traffic goes to your killler blog page.
8- Once you’re done with all of the above do something very important now.. Change the keywords so they are all EXACT and PHRASE matches. You can even go as far as to create seperate ad groups if you really want to, but sometimes that’s just overkill and may also screw up your other campaigns for good keywords. The reason you don’t want to go with broad in the beginning is because you’re on a mission now. That mission is not to make money, but to get your CTR up to a nice level. You’re going to want to be doing this for a good day or so. Don’t worry, you won’t lose much money, and afterall, a lot of those clicks aren’t just going to go nowhere, they’ll be going to your blog/promo page. You still have a great chance that they will also result in a sale/lead. So no need to fret about it.
9- Wow step 9 already, look how quickly we flew through this tutorial. Granted there are a lot of details being left out, but you will learn them on your own and pick them up pretty quickly too. You have to admit, this is a hell of a lot easier than you thought it would be right? So the reason I want you to use a blog or something with content on it and not just a redirect or linking directly to the affiliate code is because Google and MSN have this algorithm called QS aka Quality Score. They say, that if a site looks like it’s not selling something exclusively, meaning, that the site’s sole purpose is to spread information rather than sales then it should not be paying as much as a commercial site that has a huge budget. Also these types of results (your site) are relevant for users and give them what they are looking for, instead of a sales page and a “buy this thing now or you will die!” approach. We want the users to buy or fill out leads, but we don’t want to give them the impression that it’s ALL we want, so maybe tack on a newsletter signup link. You can use Aweber, they are cheap and good. Also tack on a few information links on the blogroll or in the posts. To really beef up your QS, send some inbound links from other blogs, directories, sites, forums, wherever really. Just pretend you are SEO’ing it as well as using it for a PPC campaign. Within 2 weeks or less your QS should jump, your CTR should jump, and best of all, your PPC bid price will drop! In the wise words of Borat.. Wowaweewa!
10- This is not over. Just because your ROI is 2:1-3:1 or better doesn’t mean you are leaving this alone and moving onto the next thing. Your ass needs to go over everything, step by step. Keep a list. What went wrong and why? What changes did you make to it, and what type of effect did it have on the sale/lead/traffic? Ask yourselves as many questions as possible. If you can’t answer it yourself, go to the forums and ask someone there. There is an answers to almost any PPC and affiliate marketing related question on somewhere, and if we don’t have it, another forum will, or ASK about it, because as great as we may seem to think we are, we can’t read your mind and see what’s going wrong. Be as detailed as possible too!
So there you have it. A blog post of value, quality and meaning. Will it make you millions? I doubt it. But be realistic, you need to try things out and learn them for yourself before you can pass judgement on it or decide it’s “too hard”, because this is not hard at all. This is easy shit compared to any job offline that you may have had to do for a paycheck. So quit sitting on your ass and reading this, and go out and do something about it! The rest is up to you boys and girls, so go make me proud and try it!
Monday, June 4, 2007
Oh its Monday
Well it is Monday and I did not have to drive to work today. Actually I just have to login to the internet and I am there. Campaigns over the weekend were slow, but advertising cost were very minimal.
Over the weekend I spent $19.78 on advertising and generated a little over $100 in income. This coupled with my other projects has allowed me to work full time from home.
I am testing a new script to help with keyword management. I will follow up with results in the next few days.
Over the weekend I spent $19.78 on advertising and generated a little over $100 in income. This coupled with my other projects has allowed me to work full time from home.
I am testing a new script to help with keyword management. I will follow up with results in the next few days.
Friday, June 1, 2007
I must be dreaming
Today has been an ok day. I have made three sales through PPC advertising. The total profit on these three sales was just shy of $80.00. I logged into my adwords account and have only spent $2.85. To me this is phenomenal. I would gladly trade $2.85 for $80 all day long. My other campaign has run its course I do believe. As I have only logged one sale today and spent almost $20 to make $28. Still that is not a bad return but the clicks are way down.
Ok to summarize my first week of doing this I have made net profit a little over $800. I know it appears that my numbers a tad skewed, but I have another project running via a news letter advertising that has generated well for m also. It is through a different affiliate network that I have not spoke about before now. That is my first experiment newsletter advertising. I just set it and forgot it.
Total time invested about 20 hours. I am going to experiment with some different tools over the weekend and let my silent salesman keep running along.
Ok to summarize my first week of doing this I have made net profit a little over $800. I know it appears that my numbers a tad skewed, but I have another project running via a news letter advertising that has generated well for m also. It is through a different affiliate network that I have not spoke about before now. That is my first experiment newsletter advertising. I just set it and forgot it.
Total time invested about 20 hours. I am going to experiment with some different tools over the weekend and let my silent salesman keep running along.
Pay Per Click,
traffic arbitrage
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Keeping it up
Apparently I am doing something right here. In just four days I have generated a little over $400 in affiliate income from my arbitrage experience.
I am adding three more campaigns today. I am sure that they all will not be as responsive as the one I am currently running. The good thing is I am over $400 in profit so I have some flexibility to experiment.
My ultimate goal is to have 15 campaigns going at one time and continually researching others. I have done this with basically no out of pocket money. If you remember I got $20 in free advertising from the Bidvertiser. (see button on left) I have now over spent the $20 but it is because I am in profit.
For my next three campaigns I will be dedicating $300 in advertising total. $100 for each campaign. I will post the details of each one in a later post.
Keep coming back it works...
I am adding three more campaigns today. I am sure that they all will not be as responsive as the one I am currently running. The good thing is I am over $400 in profit so I have some flexibility to experiment.
My ultimate goal is to have 15 campaigns going at one time and continually researching others. I have done this with basically no out of pocket money. If you remember I got $20 in free advertising from the Bidvertiser. (see button on left) I have now over spent the $20 but it is because I am in profit.
For my next three campaigns I will be dedicating $300 in advertising total. $100 for each campaign. I will post the details of each one in a later post.
Keep coming back it works...
Pay Per Click,
traffic arbitrage
Monday, May 28, 2007
Outstanding results so far
My PPC ad went live around 10 am this morning. If the results in 10 hours are any indication of how this campaign is going to run I will be am going to scout other similar opportunities.
So far here are the results:
Money spent on PPC advertising: $8.49
Revenue Generated : $112.00
Net profit of $103.51
I am extremely satisfied with result thus far.
This stuff is not rocket science it just requires you to pay attention and track your results.
In my next campaign I am going to try something a little different, that will allow me to capture some leads. I know this will cut down on my conversion ratios but the lead is more valuable than the conversion.
So far here are the results:
Money spent on PPC advertising: $8.49
Revenue Generated : $112.00
Net profit of $103.51
I am extremely satisfied with result thus far.
This stuff is not rocket science it just requires you to pay attention and track your results.
In my next campaign I am going to try something a little different, that will allow me to capture some leads. I know this will cut down on my conversion ratios but the lead is more valuable than the conversion.
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Ebooks and why not to waste your money on them
I have recently gained access to to several hundred ebooks out there. I have found that most all ebooks about making money online are a huge RIP OFF.
All the crap they package up and sell is available for free. If you search hard enough it is out there for free on the WWW. Almost every ebook I have read over the last year is the same diatribe repackaged and full of affiliate links to other bullshit.
The only benefit in an ebook that I can see is a complete moron can use it as a foundation to build upon and learn what to look for. So if you are a complete moron go out and buy all the ebooks you can find and I will promise you will be out several hundred to thousands of dollars and just be poorer for the process.
Ok sorry for the rant but I had a recent phone call with an online friend and her desperation after spending so much money on this crap and she still has not made any more money due to the process.
The first thing you need to do if you want to make money online is to "Just Do It" don't sit on your laurels and wait for the magic formula to appear.
Get off your ass and do something, anything even if it is starting a crappy blog like this one.
All the crap they package up and sell is available for free. If you search hard enough it is out there for free on the WWW. Almost every ebook I have read over the last year is the same diatribe repackaged and full of affiliate links to other bullshit.
The only benefit in an ebook that I can see is a complete moron can use it as a foundation to build upon and learn what to look for. So if you are a complete moron go out and buy all the ebooks you can find and I will promise you will be out several hundred to thousands of dollars and just be poorer for the process.
Ok sorry for the rant but I had a recent phone call with an online friend and her desperation after spending so much money on this crap and she still has not made any more money due to the process.
The first thing you need to do if you want to make money online is to "Just Do It" don't sit on your laurels and wait for the magic formula to appear.
Get off your ass and do something, anything even if it is starting a crappy blog like this one.
Tools that I am using
My advertising has not gone live yet so in the mean time I will share some of the tools that I am using..
Biverster. You will see a button on the left for them that will give you $20 in free clicks. In addition to the $20 in free clicks I have also set a daily ad budget of $10 per day. I will let this campaign run for seven days and check my results. Bidverster offers contextual advertising very similar to Adsense.
I am advertising a program affiliated with Clickbooth. I have read some recent trashing of Clickbooth so I will keep all posted on my relationship with them.
The exact affiliate program I am running is a primer for getting started with Adsense. It is a very inexpensive program that cost $1.87 that provides buyers tools and information on getting started with Adsense. Unfortunately, I do believe that there are many leaks in the program itself. As this is my first test in arbitrage I really don't care about the leaks as the bounty is $28 and that is more than I would make on a simple Adsense referral for a publisher.
The truth is that many people that try to make money with affiliate programs, arbitrage and contextual publishing usually give up before they get started. So that is why I am not really concerned with the leaks on this program.
Biverster. You will see a button on the left for them that will give you $20 in free clicks. In addition to the $20 in free clicks I have also set a daily ad budget of $10 per day. I will let this campaign run for seven days and check my results. Bidverster offers contextual advertising very similar to Adsense.
I am advertising a program affiliated with Clickbooth. I have read some recent trashing of Clickbooth so I will keep all posted on my relationship with them.
The exact affiliate program I am running is a primer for getting started with Adsense. It is a very inexpensive program that cost $1.87 that provides buyers tools and information on getting started with Adsense. Unfortunately, I do believe that there are many leaks in the program itself. As this is my first test in arbitrage I really don't care about the leaks as the bounty is $28 and that is more than I would make on a simple Adsense referral for a publisher.
The truth is that many people that try to make money with affiliate programs, arbitrage and contextual publishing usually give up before they get started. So that is why I am not really concerned with the leaks on this program.
traffic arbitrage,
web traffic
Saturday, May 26, 2007
My first experiement with traffic arbitrage
Well I have finally taken to plunge into trying my hand at traffic arbitrage. Chances are if you have found this page you already know what traffic arbitrage is.
If not here is the .02 definition:
It is buying traffic for one price and selling it for another. I am using contextual advertising on other sites to drive traffic to an affiliate program.

bɪˌtrɑʒ for 1, 3; ˈɑr
trɪdʒ for 2/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[ahr-bi-trahzh for 1, 3; ahr-bi-trij for 2] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation noun, verb, -traged, -trag·ing. –noun
Here is exactly what I did:
I purchased $90 dollars in advertising to drive traffic to an affiliate program that pays $28 per sign up for a $1.87 product sale.
I will have to generate 4 sales to be in profit on this gambit.
I should generate 250 clicks and with only a 2% conversion I will be in profit.
My ad should be approved in two days. I will post a follow up after the first 24 hours it is live.
If not here is the .02 definition:
It is buying traffic for one price and selling it for another. I am using contextual advertising on other sites to drive traffic to an affiliate program.
1. | Finance. the simultaneous purchase and sale of the same securities, commodities, or foreign exchange in different markets to profit from unequal prices. |
Here is exactly what I did:
I purchased $90 dollars in advertising to drive traffic to an affiliate program that pays $28 per sign up for a $1.87 product sale.
I will have to generate 4 sales to be in profit on this gambit.
I should generate 250 clicks and with only a 2% conversion I will be in profit.
My ad should be approved in two days. I will post a follow up after the first 24 hours it is live.
web traffic
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