Saturday, February 21, 2009

Utilizing Different Platforms for Traffic

If you want to leverage exisiting traffic to other websites you really need to take a close look at squidoo.  Squidoo is one of the top traffic sites on the web today and you can leverage this traffic by making lading pages for affiliate products or even brick and mortar business promotion.

Here is an example of or a page I made for a Cincinnati Ford dealer.  What is good about using squidoo is you can also find some great long tail terms that people are looking for online when searching for information about your business. 

So if you find a term that people use frequently then you can create other landing pages around those terms targeting in on those queries.  You landing pages should target the terms as close as possible as the traffic being delivered to them.

This is one thing that is missed in automotive marketing.  I have noticed increased conversions by tailoring landing pages in this fashion.  Automotive SEO has a lot of room to improve in this regards.

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Making money twice

One thing that my craigslist service for car dealers does is give me access to tons of Cincinnati used car dealers inventory.  What is really cool about this service is that the listings also produce an rss feed.

So I can take those listings and repurpose then at places like squidoo, here is a lens I made for New Jersey used cars.  This gives the client an extra benefit.  They get an additional level of exposure and I get paid for the traffic the lens generates.  This is a huge win win.

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Friday, February 13, 2009

Automotive Lead Arbitrage

As many of my readers know I do work in the Automotive Industry helping dealers in their online marketing efforts.  One of my new projects helping an Ohio Ford Dealer set up lead gen sites is actually been very rewarding in the sense it has inspired me to get back in the lead arbitrage game.

We made them a site to help them generate inquiries from people looking for a Ford F-150 in Cincinnati.  We used wordpress to create the site, but I see many more applications for this type of layout to generate automotive leads and sell them on lead exchanges.

Automotive SEO is fairly weak so it will be easy to to have site similar to the one above to capture local market traffic using search engine traffic  Fight now I have one site that is ranking nationally for the 2009 Shelby Mustang and is generating a lead a day.  This does not sound like much but consider this:

30 leads per month x $12.00 = $360 per month on a page I created over 3 months ago.  Now to just extrapolate that into thousands of pages.  :P