Thursday, January 12, 2017

Repurpose Content to Bring in Traffic

The good thing when dealing in a niche that consumers hate there is plenty of content to be repurposed and incorporated in your content or web 2.0 properties to keep the Search engines coming back and reindexing your properties.

For instance you are able to pull in RSS feeds of searches like in the sidebar here. This will keep fresh content on the site and validate points being made in your content. When they get sued again in Federal court it will instantly update the properties that are created to drive affiliate conversions and make them seem more relevant to the search engines.

This is just a simple addition to a bigger strategy.

Today I spent over $800.00 in domain names to start to build out this network of sites to target collection agency traffic. The ancillary benefit is to drive traffic on more broad terms such as credit repair, FDCPA, TCPA but the long tail is for the win.

I will use evergreen and aggressive SEO techniques. Here is a plan that you can use for any niche to be monetized with CPA or CPC. I am breaking the rule of exposing niches here but don't care. If I have 5 other aggressive marketers follow my lead and attack my targets it is still a win.

  1. 5 Money Sites to Start - After network matures for 3 to 6 months will add a new money site every 45 to 60 days.
  2. 50 domain PBN with the addition of 10 to 15 new PBN sites with every new money site.
  3. Core social media alias per site to include one web 2.0 publishing platform and 3 core social media accounts.
  4. IFTT network supporting each web 2.0.
  5. Syndwire profiles and accounts to optimize Youtube videos to rank for individual collection agency names.
One of the major goal is to build a list around this network as well. This will be fairly easy to do with Facebook pages and lead capture opt ins.

My total outlay as budgeted is $5800.00 to launch this network. Expect to have positive cash flow in 45 days. Should develop into a 60K plus a year enterprise in 14 to 20 months.

I had a network before tied to identity theft and still have some assets in place. When this network was active it was generating $2500 to $4000 per month primarily via LifeLock conversions. That got cluttered and I became busy in my offline business of providing online marketing services to car dealers. Points of priority and it faded away. That business has sold and now I have some free time on my hands.

Thanks Charlie for waking up my passion. I'll only play golf two days per week and fish only one. I will be moving this case study over to is own domain soon.. 

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