My business that provides Craigslist for Car Dealers is really taking off. One thing this does is give me access to dealers used car inventory. So now my VA is helping promote their inventory even more by using
Here is an example of a lens she made for Brunswick Used Car Dealers, you will notice that it has an RSS feed of a dealers inventory and really is not designed for affiliate conversion other than a banner after the inventory. That not the primary purpose of the lens in of itself. It is designed to get people to call a dealer and view their inventory.
Chances are we will also create another property very similar to the one we found for a New Jersey used car dealer to help get more eyes on their inventory and increase phone calls to the dealership with some affiliate monetization in place as well. This is what the big classified providers do such as Cox Auto Trader. The difference is I do not charge thousands of dollars per month to distribute their inventory.
Eventually this type of Automotive SEO will help my customers get an even greater bank for thier buck.
Technorati Tags: automotive SEO, craigslist for car dealers, brunswick used car dealers, new jersey used car dealers
Here is an example of a lens she made for Brunswick Used Car Dealers, you will notice that it has an RSS feed of a dealers inventory and really is not designed for affiliate conversion other than a banner after the inventory. That not the primary purpose of the lens in of itself. It is designed to get people to call a dealer and view their inventory.
Chances are we will also create another property very similar to the one we found for a New Jersey used car dealer to help get more eyes on their inventory and increase phone calls to the dealership with some affiliate monetization in place as well. This is what the big classified providers do such as Cox Auto Trader. The difference is I do not charge thousands of dollars per month to distribute their inventory.
Eventually this type of Automotive SEO will help my customers get an even greater bank for thier buck.
Technorati Tags: automotive SEO, craigslist for car dealers, brunswick used car dealers, new jersey used car dealers