I cannot believe I have been ignoring this blog for so long and really do apologize to people that have visited looking for information on traffic arbitrage. First let me start by saying that PPC traffic is way over rated in sponsored search results. If you are going to "buy" traffic with ppc you are better off to stick with the content network unless you are still working on Search Engine Optimization for your keywords.
You will realize way more value from SEO than PPC. PPC is a crutch for a poorly optimized site or fresh landing page.
One thing I have have ben playing around with using is rating sites to drive traffic. These can be huge tools to drive optimized traffic for your keywords and building up your SEO. A topic though that gets some attention though is why are
dealer reviews mostly negative. And a there is a good discussion going on at an
Automotive Forum regarding this.
Maybe it has a lot to do with how people that work for car
dealer employees respond when the dealership makes a mistake. That industry has a lot to learn still...
review site traffic, automotive forums, dealer reviews